Music from one scene is continuous throughout other scenes. How do I change that?
Hi everyone! I hope you're all doing well
So my first game is almost finished, and I'm just adding in the final touches. I 3 main scenes: Main menu, Play, and Game Over scene. I want to add a specific music for each scene. I started with the last scene, the game over scene. I added music to my scene by first creating an actor, then placing the play music behavior within it. Then placed the actor outside of the game over scene. Doing this, the music plays perfectly, as it should.
The problem occurs however whenever I click the play again button from the game over scene. When clicking the play again button from the game over scene, it takes the player back to the play scene where the player actually plays the game, but the music from the game over scene keeps playing.
So my question is: How do I keep an individual piece of music restricted to playing on just one particular scene? I want the game over music to play during the game over scene, but when the player hits the play again button, and goes back to the play scene to play another round, I want the music for the play scene to play, instead of the music from the game over scene.
Any thoughts?
When "Play Again" button is pressed, set attribute "Stop Music".. lol.
LOL I feel silly for asking given that the fix is so simple. Thank you for the help
You're very welcome.