In after the collision of two spheres, not to change speed, the only changedirection.Excuse mecando?
In after the collision of two spheres, not to change speed, the only change direction.Excuse me ,cando?
In after the collision of two spheres, not to change speed, the only change direction.Excuse me ,cando?
Turn 'friction' to 0 for both actors.
Thank you for your answer,but, after the two colliding balls, still can produce acceleration or deceleration,Like play billiards, two ball impact likely scenario,Speed change
I don't understand the question ?
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No speed change.
GameSalad Project ►►
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Deceleration (like in real life).
GameSalad Project ►►
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How to add images
Did you take a look at the GameSalad projects I made for you ?
My consciousness is in the reply
How to add images
I drew a few simple pictures
How to add images in the reply of My consciousness.Don't add images in the software.
I drew a few simple pictures
May be post a NEW message,i know add The image.Reply to the top of the column,The last one is image URL,but Can't choose the image file.I try to fill in the image addresses
of computer,after ENTER,but Have no reaction
Mysterious !
Did you take a look at the files I made for you ?
YES,i look.I did at first.Back and forth Round and rectangle of try.Because at first I use circle there was a problem.Even if the incident Angle isnot 0,but Close to zero,Touching the walls on both sides will still at 0 degrees Angle,About the ejection.To rectangle is not the problem.The friction to 0 after read after your opinion,still have the problem.but After the restart computer,The problem had disappeared,Don't know if I accidentally changed where,Perhaps the friction effect of 0,But the software didn't react in the first time? At least about springback is solved in the incident Angle is not zero.
Now want to solve the problem of trying to use images to express
but idon*t add image in the reply
i try Create a new post,Don't add image too
It would be useful to say whether a response to your question has worked or not worked, or at least acknowledge that you've even read it before moving on to the next thing you want.
I want to effect:Before the collision speed 200.The speed 200 after the collision。
In fact :Before the collision speed 200. The Speed change after the collision。
May be 12 speed, 35 speed , 116 speed Or 356 speed.~~~~......
speed is changing
You've not said which actor you want to remain at a constant speed after a collision, so I will presume it is both.
Game attributes:
. . . .
Ball 1:
Constrain game.x to self.Position X
Constrain game.y to self.Position Y
Change self.motion.linear.velocity.x to SPEED
Change self.motion.linear.velocity.y to SPEED
. . . .
Ball 2:
Rule: When ball 2 overlaps or collides with ball 1 . . .
Change self.motion.linear.velocity.x to (1.414 * SPEED) * cos(vectorToAngle( self.Position.X - game.X , self.Position.Y - game.Y ))
Change self.motion.linear.velocity.y to (1.414 * SPEED) * sin(vectorToAngle( self.Position.X - game.X , self.Position.Y - game.Y ))
. . . .
Both actors:
Density - 1
Friction - 0
Bounciness - 0
Drag - 0
Angular Drag - 0
I don't know ,can do it?
Which country are you from ?
Did you try what I suggested ?
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I am a Chinese
I'm sorry, I don't understand English grammar,Know A small amount of words
The dictionary to find the words
Sentences were written by feel mess
I want is you this effect
My ball is filled with physics
Speed changed a lot ,The acceleration or deceleration。Change is big。
I will try your method。
Thank you very much
Excuse me,I write the effect is different from yours。I have a question。 define “integer”or “angle” to game X and game Y? The same effect as to All attempts
ALL : density 1 friction 0 bounciness 1
ball 1:game X = BALL 1 position X game Y = BALL 1 position Y
Motion linear velocity X 200 Motion linear velocity Y -200
Ball 2: any collides acter of type ball 1
Motion linear velocity X to
282.8 *Cos(vectorToAngle(BALL2 position X-Game ball1 X,Ball2 position Y-game Ball 1Y)
Motion linear velocity Y to
282.8 *Sin(vectorToAngle(BALL2 position X-Game ball1 X,Ball2 position Y-game Ball 1Y)
wall collide and collide
The effect : ball 1 velocity =200
if ball 1 paly ball 2
ball2 Along the X axis, The left and right back and forth movement.
I didn't see ball2 have fixed Y to code,but Fixed in the Y.
And the ball 2 has been change to big
Just found A piece of code on video.Only see the video。
Changed the bounciness 0.The same effect as。
ball 2 fixed in the y
Input window effect is different from the display window。。。。All messed up
Try this:
. . . . . . . .
unsupported file format.the file is newer than this version of creator
MY GS is in window 7
Would you like me to take a screenshot (picture) of the rules for you ?
can windows 7 system use your GS version ?