Do we need to buy assets in game salad

HKQHKQ Member Posts: 0

i want to know that do we need to buy the assets in game salad or they are free and easily available.


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    A false dichotomy if ever I saw one :)

    Most people make their own assets, but you can use any source you like, bought or free.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685
    edited May 2014

    Assets in the GS market place are for sale from GS. Other third party sites you can purchase from and ALSO some free assets include

    DBA @DeepBlueApps‌

    GS helper @uptimistik‌ @Braydon_SFX‌

    GS Invention @CodeMonster‌ @timolapre1998‌

    Free image Stock @openstockproject‌

    I am not affiliated to any of these sites before mods delete the links. However I have tagged all owners of the sites so you can contact the site owners if the mods move in and remove links. It's a sad time at the moment with outside links. Hope this helps you find what your looking for @HKQ‌

    Also if you fancy a GS master class by @domenius‌ then the link is in my signature.

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