Gamesalad Update turns images white?
Just installed the Gamesalad update 11.0.13 and now some of my images have a low opacity of white to them.
Any one know why?
Best Answers
Socks London, UK.Posts: 12,822
GameSalad does not support certain types of 8 bit images in the new version, you need to take the problem 8 bit images and make them 24 bit (or 32 bit of they have transparency / an alpha channel).
jonmulcahy Posts: 10,408
The_Gamesalad_Guru Posts: 9,922
Thank you for your help, @Socks, @jonmulcahy, @The_Gamesalad_Guru. I changed my images to 16 bits and it seems to work fine.
@The_Gamesalad_Guru, great tutorial!