For those who want awesome app reviews for FREE
hey everyone, about 4 months ago i discovered an awesome site to get you app reviews for FREE
all you do is create an account, add your itunes app link by adding a new app in your account.
To get a review, all you have to do is review someone els's app (the site will prompt you to do this)
once you rate their app, you will have a point which is called (karma)
the more karma points you have, the more reviews you will get!
every time someone reviews your app, you will -1 karma point.
I get around 3 reviews a day, and review 3 apps per day.
Its a great way to get honest and good app reviews FOR FREE!!:)
hope this helps,
Thanks for sharing this @CodeMonster looks promising and something I need to start doing for marketing purposes
Download UfoBlaster on the iTunes store
@CodeMonster Thanks!
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Games and Templates
+1 Awesome
Can confirm this site is legit and great! The owner is a really cool guy trying to help the indie community. Definitely try it out. || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
WOW @CodeMonster wot a great find! Just used it myself and was a quick turn around for returned reviews. Nice one pal. +1 awesome
Interesting. Bookmarked!
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Sweet idea! I'm in.
no problem guys
it just needed to be shared as its such a great site! 
Thank you @codemonster for sharing us with your community here on Game Salad!
If anyone has any questions about AppReviewMe, I'm here to help!
Tyler Kessler
Founder of AppReviewMe
Does anyone know if this is for just the Apple store, or if there is a google store version as well? We plan to release any apps on as many platforms as possible and want to know how much this can help our goals.
@Tosanu thanks for your question! We are only for iOS but will be expanding to Google Play very soon, please feel free to email us directly at if you have any other questions on our platform as it pertains to your goals. Let me know if you would like to be added to our Android email list, where you'll be notified when it's live.
I appreciate that. We are still some months from release but that information would be helpful. Should I send our email address to the support email? ( i cannot display it publicly). Thank you for answering so promptly.
Is it legit? @tylerkessler if every developer start to use this community,review system can be pointless and apple interferces that.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
@onelasttime yes its legit if you stick to the terms of @tylerkessler site. You get given a app to download and review, in return you get 1 "Karma" point. (You don't need to give a 5 star review, only an honest review) when you get 1 or more karma points, your app will be reviewed by another dev who will give you an "honest" review. This isn't a positive review exchange system but a review exchange system. Hope that clarifies your question.
I think this is a great idea. It kind of points to a higher level problem of not being able to easy get feedback from our users.
I think this is an excellent way to get that feedback and to help each other in the process.
I have some feedback on the site. I just signed up ( pretty easy ) It wasn't clear until I had already added my app ( ipad app )
It seems like this is more geared towards iphone apps. I wanted to remove my app and ad one of my iphone apps and I can't do such until I get more app karma.
I don't mind dong reviews for karma, but it would be nice to have the ability to remove an app.
@gingagaming thank you
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
looks great, i am going to try it!!
@CodeMonster thanks for the sharing that one. Awesome
all good guys, thank the owner of the site for this awesomeness :DD
Bumping this up for those who missed it
is there something like this for android?
My apps in Appstore
The Adventure of Stario :
Fruit Catcher - Catch 'em all :
this forum needs delete button
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Looking at the apps that it wants me to review makes me a bit depressed. Because it reminds me what app store have become.
5 slotmachines, flappy bird clone, 2048 clone and an app that I downloaded, was basically a scam, cause a close button do not skips ads, it opens them.
But the service itself is pretty good.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
I am currently seeing very good success using appreview.
I would strongly encourage its usage. I even paid the $5 to add the second app
Awesome awesome awesome!!! thanks man!
@tylerkessler I've actually got a bad experience with the service. I've reviewed around 70 apps. Yet, my app has been reviewed for only 12 time. So essentially, I've reviewed around 58 Apps for free.
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
@imGua thats actually very unfortunate, and im confused as to why that is happening to you.
as i always have to keep reviewing other peoples apps because mine are being reviewed constantly.
PSA: This service got me a couple reviews for free. Heads up to some people, the users reviewing aren't guaranteeing a 5 star, so if your app sucks, or has hella ads, you might get 1 stars. Just a word of caution.