Make a game end at a certain score?

How do I make a game end at a certain score? I have to do a school project, so I'm just making a shooting game. Each time I hit the enemy, the score raises by 100. I want the game to end once the score reaches 3000. How do I do this? (I already have the score working. I just don't know how to make it end when it reaches 3000)
Anyone..? Dx
Anyone..? Dx
When [Score] is ≥ (greater than or equal) to 3000 = Change Scene to [End scene]
If you want something else to happen though you'll need to write rules on all the actors whom would be affected (ones you want to stop moving or something) and have these behaviors active once the game score is equal or greater (greater, just in case you go over 3000 somehow in the last moment) to 3000.