Game Center Help...
OK, so I have all my Game Center setup...I did it myself...watched Gurus video that only shows IAP's not scores...I watched a several year old tshirtbooth video from back in the iOS4.0 days....leaderboards won't show score when in sandbox mode........all I need to know this code correct...its from a video shows all this string...contacted the template maker and he asked me to watch videos. great video but doesn't answer my question.
I can't get the scores to post.
please see the image below....just so I was not suppose to be able to mess up this template in any way...I only place my leaderboard ID in the quotes as you see here...before it said this long string then "leaderboard_ID" I put in my leaderboard ID..."com.shookie.incoming"....I have waited 2 days now for a single score to post and it doesn't...I don't know if stupid ass Apple is making this fail or if the code it suppose to be like this or if Im suppose to just put ONLY... com.shookie.incoming...if anyone knows what to do I would like some advise if you can give it.
Thak you
Best Answers
jonmulcahy Posts: 10,408
your rule is bad:
what are you saying here is that you want the cell value from the table TB_Score in row ** 1** and in column called "com.shookie.incoming".
when pushing a achievement or leaderboard score all you do is put in the leaderboard ID you configured in itunes connect.
my suggestion is to delete those rules and forget about the template, follow one of the newer templates or just don't use tables.
The_Gamesalad_Guru Posts: 9,922
Yeah all you need in there is the ID. That table expression makes no sense, it's not a proper expression. The table cell value expression is to locate data in a specific table and a specific row and column in that table. Seems you need a bit more study on the structure of expressions.
Who made the template? That's some horrible coding if that's how they did it. I wouldn't trust the template maker as that is pretty pathetically terrible.
and when adhoc testing on my iOS device it DOES show my dummy account I made in iTunes connect and shows sandboxing is been used...just no just says "no Leaderboards"
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I have a series on game center - much newer than TSB vids. Even if you're expressions are set up correctly, if it's not wet up correct in iTunes it won't work
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Oh well when I clicked the game least the one I found it was tsb vid. Ill look again. Thanks.
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What's with the com. Stuff in the colum value? Shouldn't that be an attribute or a number?
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The template shows exactly what you see here in the image except instead of com.shookie.incoming it had leaderboard_ID there...which I place the com. Stuff. I would assume I was suppose to replace "leaderboard_ID" with "com.shookie.incoming", my leaderboard ID for single, post score, integer and so on. Im really stuck. :-(.
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Thanks also @The_Gamesalad_Guru those expressions were in a template. All greek to me and yes I still have plenty to learn. Thanks a bunch for your answer.
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@The_Gamesalad_Guru Well the template was from a fairly well known GS playa...I dont want to make it seem bad so I wont say here because so far...many many of the other stuff coming from him/they/them has been good for me.
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What the others are saying is true -- I was on mobile last time I viewed this thread so I didn't get a good look at your pic.
I think the creator of that template just put the "leaderboard_ID" bit in the expression as a placeholder. That way you could see it and simply change that out with your Game Center ID.
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Why would it be put in a table cell value expression though?
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
I dont know why. I have literally no experience yet with tAbles.
Oh you may have been asking him above. Lol
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