How to use RevMob?
Member, PRO Posts: 226
in Tech Support
Can someone guide me through using RevMob? What's the add placement for? I have enable advertisements in my change scene behaviors, yet no ads show up when changing scenes. I also added a show banner behavior, in which again no advertisement is showing??
Or is there something wrong with RevMob?
You need to make sure you have checked to box to enable RevMob in the publishing system or it wont work.
Its close to the bottom of the publishing page.
Yes I have already, plus added the app ID in the services tab.
Hmm..tested Revmob yesterday and it worked fine.
Can you talk me through how RevMob works? Is it that an ad shows up randomly in the game? Or does it show up only when a behavior triggers it? (change scene and show banner)
You could choose to have startup and interstitial ads or any of it.
For example: Interstitial tiggers when you have checked enable advertising and you change scene, but startup ads only shows (one time) when you start your app.
Interstitial ads can also be put inside a rule with the change scene behavior and therfore be activated by a certain event.
Simlpy put
Ah I see , okay but what about full screen/ pop up/ banner etc. ad units in rev mob, what are they about? And why would I want to add more (as given in the add unit option in rev mob)?
What rate should be put in on the cpm? I really dont understand this. Is it how much i make per how ever many impressions?
You shouldn't have to enter a cpm. You don't have to create a campaign, only register the app.
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