Issues/Bugs with Release

supafly129supafly129 Member Posts: 454
edited May 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hey guys--

After downloading the latest May release, I seem to be having some very noticeable issues, mainly with the interpolate behaviors (example below):

-This rule and all others work perfectly when I work in the old release, but the latest GS release causes it to stop, and using the regular "Rotate" behavior is not an option for what I need to achieve. I also have a level select screen arrow that (when pressed) interpolates the camera left and right to different positions, but with the new release, it interpolates pretty sloppy and even starts of with the incorrect position

-Also, the subtraction sign (-) within rules doesn't work at all for me no matter how many times I press it or restart the program, and some animations won't start like they used to, but when checking the "loop" button, it all of a sudden will work (my animation code for an all-white actor is below).

Any idea what the issue may be or is anyone else experience these types of bugs? Did the number values somehow get affected? Please help if you can :s



  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited May 2014

    @supafly921 said:
    This rule and all others work perfectly when I work in the old release, but the latest GS release causes it to stop . . .

    Can you say where and when it stops?

    @supafly921 said:Also, the subtraction sign (-) within rules doesn't work at all for me no matter how many times I press it or restart the program

    What does 'doesn't work at all' mean ?

    and some animations won't start like they used to

    How did they used to start ?

    but when checking the "loop" button, it all of a sudden will work.

    How does 'it . . will work' manifest itself ?

    Any idea what the issue may be or is anyone else experience these types of bugs? Did the number values somehow get affected? Please help if you can :s

    Yep, the 'numbers' (for both interpolate and animate) where changed with the new release, they were both buggy in previous version and those bugs have now been killed off, but I can't see how this would cause these issues ?

    I'm sure the issue can be sorted out fairly easily but I think people will need hard cold details rather than all 'all of a sudden will work' and 'doesn't work' stuff ! :wink:

    I'm going to quickly try your set up with the two rotations to see what's going on there . . . . back in a minute . . .

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited May 2014

    In 10.4

    Your rotate rules give me an actor that continually rotates in one direction

    Is this what you were getting pre-11 ?

  • JodyMitomaJodyMitoma Member Posts: 307

    LOL at random (but not really random) One Direction dude.

  • supafly129supafly129 Member Posts: 454
    edited May 2014

    @Socks said:
    In 10.4

    Your rotate rules give me an actor that continually rotates in one direction

    Is this what you were getting pre-11 ?

    @Socks LOL hilarious, and yes, that is what I want and what I see pre-11, but with the new release it usually stops after one rotation, sometimes stopping randomly while rotating but no idea why.

    When I say the (-) sign doesnt work at all, I mean that when I have two conditions in a rule like in the below pic, it simply won't do anything when I press it. I am unable to remove conditions from a rule after creating those particular conditions, forcing me to create a completely new rule from scratch if I want to remove something. So let's say I want to remove the "When touch is pressed" condition in this photo, the minus sign won't get that to work.

    As for the animation issue, I have an actor that covers the entire screen and is supposed to animate upon the start of a scene, which works pre-11. After the 11 release, however, when I start the scene, the animation doesnt start at all. If I check the "loop" box in the animation rule, the animation loop works when I start the scene, but unfortunately I don't want it to loop so that doesn't really help. Any ideas? I can try sending part of my gs file if that might help but I'd have to clean a lot of it up first.

    Thanks for your help with this!

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited May 2014

    @supafly921 said:
    When I say the (-) sign doesnt work at all, I mean that when I have two conditions in a rule like in the below pic, it simply won't do anything when I press it.

    Highlight the condition you want to remove and hit the minus (-) sign - you're probably not selecting a condition before you hit (-).

    @supafly921 said:
    As for the animation issue, I have an actor that covers the entire screen and is supposed to animate upon the start of a scene, which works pre-11. After the 11 release, however, when I start the scene, the animation doesnt start at all.

    Are there any rules that control the animation that you aren't telling us about, or is there simply an actor with an animate behaviour that runs when the scene starts ?

    P.S. is all you want if for an actor to continually rotate in one direction why don't you use the rotate behaviour - or constrain the rotation to something like game.time ?

  • supafly129supafly129 Member Posts: 454
    edited May 2014

    @Socks There are no special rules with the animation or any rules that would affect it, and I tried resizing the actor, using different images, even restarting GS and creating a new project, but no luck.

    The other big problem is a rule i have that should interpolate the camera's X origin left and right, but for whatever reason it completely ignores that values i have in place (for instance, pre-11 the scene would open up at World 1, but in the 0.11.013 release, it opens up at World 3).

    Since I did not change the code in any way before upgrading (and since reverting back fixes everything), my only conclusion is that the new release somehow messes with my project's interpolate/animation behaviors in a way that requires rebuilding from the ground up to figure out what the issue is

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @supafly921 said:
    There are no special rules with the animation or any rules that would affect it . . .

    So the actor containing the animation behaviour has no other rules, just a single animate behaviour ?

    @supafly921 said:
    The other big problem is . . .

    Just momentarily going back to what we we're talking about, did the suggestion to highlight the condition you want to delete before hitting the minus button resolve your issue ?

    And also I asked: "if all you want is for an actor to continually rotate in one direction why don't you use the rotate behaviour - or constrain the rotation to something like game.time ?".

  • supafly129supafly129 Member Posts: 454

    @Socks Yes the minus button issue was fixed based on what you said so thanks! As for the rotate in one direction, the "Ease In/Out" aspect of the interpolate rotation creates a simple effect i like where the actor smoothly pauses for a moment after each 360 rotation

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