Rejected again... Its becoming annoying now
Ok so I just got rejected again! For the 3rd time this:
'Specifically when we launched the app, a black screen appeared and a in app purchase notification still appeared. It would be appropriate to contact DTS regarding this issue'.
Theres nothing in my app which is making it do this... and it doesn't happen to me when I test it so why is it happening? I've uploaded it with the newest version of gs.
Does anyone else have this problem? or has sorted it?
Are you using the latest public release, the nightly, or the Release Candidate?
I personally have not experienced this. Have you sent your project in to GameSalad support with detailed descriptions of the problem yet? Maybe they can determine what the cause is.
My game was also rejected for the second time with the same reason. !
I thought publishing with will fix the problem, but I guess it persist.
I had mine rejected twice and then just took out the iap and made it a paid game.
I have this as a backup plan, cause I've already announced 23rd of May to be the launch day and time is ticking... But the game was designed to be with in-App purchases from day one... otherwise it just won't sell
I've been rejected a total of 8 times now because of in-app purchase and Gamesalad screwing it up somewhere. I took out the in-app purchase last time after 5 rejections and, magically, everything worked just fine. This time, I've used 3 different versions of the creator, and each time in-app purchase has either failed, or failed, or just plain failed.
Make sure you guys are putting in Support tickets
I submitted a ticket earlier... hopefully they can sort this soon.
My game was also rejected for the third time with the same reason. !
I thought publishing with would fix the problem.
Since I couldn't reproduce the problem when I test, I contacted the iTunes Support and they answered
"...the app prompts the user to log into the iTunes Store immediately after launch."
Now, I submit a ticket in GS support.
I have received rejection from apple with app that uses Revmob start ads. Response from apple shows black screen and app getting stuck on the black screen. Not sure if this issue is similar to the issues I am getting with IAP problems.
Has anyone else experience same issue with this?
@wrhmedia I have had the same issue, but I noticed it before I sent my app to Apple.
Also, the game will sometimes freeze during gameplay. Im sending in a support ticket on this later today.
I added a startup ad from Revmob into my app and I noticed every time I test an adhoc build for the first time it locks up on a black screen. If I close the app and relaunch it it works fine. Haven't tried submitting yet, but I could see how that would be an issue.