Player actor has velocity-X of 250. PROBLEM: He cannot climb angled platforms. Please help.

Hey, so I have a platformer game I am building, and i wanted to add some angled platforms that he runs on.

The way the game is set up, I have the Player actor set up with 250 X-Velocity, so he is constantly running throughout the level.

I decided today that I am going to add some angled platforms, but holy camoly did that ever not work out.

Whenever the play gets to the angled platform, he simply slides back down and goes through the level in reverse! So, even though the players X-velocity is set to 250, the player is now going like -100 X-velocity... I even tried putting rules such as "If players X-Velocity is less than 249, change X-velocity to 250", and I even tried replacing that rule with "MOVE player in Right direction at speed of 250". These simply don't want to do anything.

Thank you!


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