Ready to release new app but? - Make it FREE with iads or paid with iads?
Hi all
I purchased GS Pro last month and added iads to all 11 of my apps and changed the price from 0.69p to FREE (On all of them) but have only earned $0.11 in a whole month...i'm a bit deflated with it all
I placed the reset iads timer in all my games so I get maximum iads coverage but this next app I feel could be really good and I know that the first day of release is crucial so do I continue with iads and FREE or try and claw back some cash with a paid version and iads before it sinks from trace.
My feeling is go paid and if really good sales, then keep like that and after 1 month or so go FREE so to boost its coverage again.
What do others thing and is there a way that is better than another. I only have iads and it resets every 33 seconds and starts to show a new banner on 24 seconds.
Any help would be great as I don't want to make a hash of my next release.
Thanks guys.
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