how do i upload .app file to App Store?
Im new at uploading my first app to App Store, but I try to do as tshirtbooth says in the video by zipping the gs app file, but application loader doesn't recognize the files in the zip file.
Im new at uploading my first app to App Store, but I try to do as tshirtbooth says in the video by zipping the gs app file, but application loader doesn't recognize the files in the zip file.
i get no app bundles found in the package
Now I get lexical error in the GS viewer file
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h> not found? this situation is hopeless 
can you type up the exact steps you are doing?
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I save my gamesalad.proj in GS and zip it. I also pressed publish in game salad and did 92% of the things to do to make it to "Progress Towards Arcade Listing", do I have to do this? I did already anyway.
I have a valid license with apple and my app is waiting for upload in itunesconnect.
I have also tested my app in my iPhone, works good.
the .app file, where, what is it? I didn't understand that part.
When you download the app file from gs publishing process, after the gs "firework" screen pops up click on "show on finder" then right click and zip that file. That is the file that needs uploaded, hope this helps
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Thanks for the answers and the last video helped me a lot! Now Im waiting for review!