How to constrain an actor's certain position to another actor's specific position.

Hi, I tried searching & can't really find any clue to go about this. I'm trying to make a body of a man. How to attach arm on the left shoulder & right shoulder? Thank U


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited May 2014

    @GSlostsoul said:
    Hi, I tried searching & can't really find any clue to go about this. I'm trying to make a body of a man. How to attach arm on the left shoulder & right shoulder? Thank U

    I made this exactly the kind of thing you are trying to do . . .

    Hopefully it's some help.

  • eroswu1985eroswu1985 Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2014

    actors A and B

    make 2 game attributes: Ax and Ay, and constrain them to A's x and y;

    then behavior: constrain B's self position x and y to Ax and Ay

    then B's position(x,y) will be constrained to A's postion.

    if you wanna make a body following a head, you can try to change the value of x and y of B being constrained (like you can constrain B's y to be A's y- 5, since body is always under head)

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