If you____you might be a GameSalad Developer.

motorcycle boymotorcycle boy Member Posts: 429

If when you're in the shower and all you seem to fantasize about is the next piece of programing for your game or template, you might be a GameSalad developer

If when you refer to salad you don't mean the edible kind, you might be a GameSalad developer

If you haven't met most of those you consider your friends in person, you might be a GameSalad developer.

If you refer to touching all day and it's not a female, you might be a GameSalad developer

If all the "actors" you know are not thespians, you might be a GameSalad developer

If you fantasize about what it must be like to actually interact with people in person, you might be a GameSalad developer.

If you respond in the GameSalad forums, you might be a GameSalad developer (had to put a few obvious ones in here lol)

If you destroy someone in the forums and seem to be devoid of any human emotion whilst doing so, well you might just be an a@# #$@%

If you are up at 4 a.m. on your computer and you're looking at the latest templates for sale, working on the next piece of programming, starting a new project, or checking the GameSalad forums, and not looking at porn, you might be a GameSalad developer.

If you ever cut your grass and you found a car you...of wait you might be a redneck.

I know you guys can think of better ones….


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