The future of GameSalad Creator - What we would like to see implemented next
Good day, fellow creators/developers,
Lets take a moment to talk about what you would like to see in future releases of the GameSalad Creator engine.
I've noticed a few things that could make Creator just that little bit better, so here are my own personal suggestions to get the ball rolling:
Zoom in/out of Stage so that you could more easily and more precisely align objects, and find possibly hidden actors.
Ability to add in-app purchases through Google Play Store
Additional stability to prevent crashing (Windows version, at least)
Please take a minute to share any and all thoughts you have on future updates of the software. If enough people want it, the programmers just may implement it! That is usually how it works, isn't it?
On/off ugly loading wheel. I want to use my own indicator without loading wheel appear.
I think Google IAP is already on the road map. They also have Project Obfuscation in the pipeline, which I'm eager for.
I would like to see maybe some in-SDK tutorials. Specifically, warn the user not to type their variables into the rules. And, don't have incorrectly formatted calculations feed back "0", instead have a symbol or something. These issues can mislead a developer for a long time.
Controller support for Amazon fire tv and ios 7!
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That's how it hope it'd work. As someone who has been here for years, I've seen several of these threads. Some of the things listed have been incorporated, which is good. Hopefully now that GS has redone their code base, they can begin to add some of these things.
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Ability to store additional files with .apk (to have and ability to upload apps bigger than 50 mb to Google Play.)
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Wait.... what?
50MB's is our max size allowed on Google Play?! Oh for heaven's sake.............
EXE publishing option
So what you're telling me however, is that because my game will be around 100MB's when ready to publish, I won't be able to publish it on Google Play because of this retarded 50MB limit?!
Sadly yes. One of Google Plays biggest problems.
I believe that the 50mb limit only applies when the customer is connecting to Google Play via cellular data (Edge/3G/LTE). At least, the iOS 100MB limit works like that from what I understand. Larger files should download fine over Wifi. The iOS App Store gives an error when attemping to download a large game over cellular, but doesn't block it for Wifi.
I don't know how the Google Play Store works though, I'm just assuming it must work in a way that's competitive with the iOS App Store.
We're not talking about downloading, we're talking about uploading. The APK has to be 500MB or less to be uploaded to the store.
Well there goes 80% of the customer base. Once I'm done with this game, I'm going simple.
I'm assuming 500 was a mistake, and you meant to say 50 again? O.o
How can I forgot about that.
plus Gamepad support
Shadows Peak is an atmospheric psychological horror that explores the dark side of a player.
Looking into the 50MB/Expansion Files thing, it doesn't actually seem that challenging on the surface. If I'm understanding it correctly, the Game Salad publishing function for Android would simply need to:
Some competing SDKs already had community members present work-arounds to create the expansion files. I'm looking at what @jonmulcahy did for custom PHP/SQL servers, and how everything is in XML for projects, and am wondering it it's possible for us to hack together an obb creator.
html5 to other place like construct 2
and about zoom in/out, for now you can change camera range to achieve that goal(although it will stretch the screen)
publish ios with windows version
This is far from a GameSalad issue. You cannot publish anything onto the App Store with a Windows computer.
I could go on but those are what sprung to mind immediately.
To give GameSalad credit, my list is definitely getting noticeably shorter.
And if I'm moving from realistic to dreamworld, I'd take transparency based collision detection too.
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I'm no programmer, but would programing GameSalad to detect invisible pixels in a .png image really be that hard? I think this is something that seriously needs to be worked on for GameSalad version 0.12.
It's a limitation of the physics engine they use (so I read) so it would a significant undertaking.
Contact me for custom work - Expert GS developer with 15 years of GS experience - Skype:
Yes I meant 50 haha. Apologies.
This already exist with Pro version of GS.
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Developer Blog » 08/01/2015 - Week 72 – Apple, the great dictator…
I would like to see better / more social options, better Facebook integration, Facebook login support, better Facebook sharing. Facebook publishing for games.
Website » Twitter » Facebook » Loaded Arts - Fun for thumbs.
Developer Blog » 08/01/2015 - Week 72 – Apple, the great dictator…
Yeah... and custom frogs.
Website » Twitter » Facebook » Loaded Arts - Fun for thumbs.
Developer Blog » 08/01/2015 - Week 72 – Apple, the great dictator…
The SDK world is a small pond, If GS had CF it would leap over the competition.