iAds counter refresh and revenue
Hi folks
I've have iAds on all my apps now after getting Pro but my revenue is really low.
I'm using the refresh banner trick of moving the banner after 33 seconds to one pixel to the right and the at 34 sec move it back so the banner refreshes.
Now I'm wondering if the ad needs to be on screen longer?
Am I doing it right or has anyone got a different idea of maximising ads on IOS.
Thanks guys
It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!
I did the same trick but didn't see any improvement with my impression... I'm not sure if that technique is still valid as the number of impression still the same for me
iAds in general are pretty awful. They require a large number of daily impressions to make any high numbers in revenue. Looking at interstitials with a higher eCPM, such as chartboost/revmob might give better results, but again high daily impressions in your game is key.
I don't like interstitial ads. I prefer banner ads in my games. Hope gamesalad can implement more banner ads options for us soon. Admob and google adsense will be awesome!!
Thanks guys for the update...will have to see what happens
It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!
I did the same trick but with 35 seconds and I'm now patching some of the apps to 40 seconds. Let's see thats my result with 35 seconds.
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Hi Dave
Have u seen a difference in revenue then?
Should I slightly change my reset counter to you reckon or does it not matter much
It takes a Zombie to know a Zombie!!!
i got 3 apps with around 1000 downloads
They all used them same 35 seconds their eCPM is very low around 1 Euro.
I made roughly 6-7 Euro for each of this games at these downloads.
What ever I have a game which had much worse performance:
But it has 40 seconds refresh time and much higher eCPM.
I think it makes much more money per impression and would make much more if the downloads would be higher.
So I have the sceptic now that the refreshing destroys/interrupt a value generation on iAds site.
Anyone else experience?
My Apps
I had used 35 seconds refresh time,after I changed 45 seconds with new update.Now eCPm is high than old one.
This trick is useful or bad thing?I don't understand for now.
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
Thanks for the info. So your experience indicates that the eCPM is based on other factors.
I have it now on 40 seconds (upcoming patches) and there for will leave it there for now.
We could make a test of comparing a game with no refresh timer and one with to see if the trick is useful or not.
But what I saw on adhoc is that if you don't do any auto refresh sometimes it takes veeeeerrrry long time for iAD to come up with the next one.
It seems at least to trick the filrate since it maybe puts a refreshed add higher in priority to get the next ad banner than one that just has expired by their rules.
All speculations to start somewhere.
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