Cannot constrain position from actorA to actorB, and from actorB to actorC?

JodyMitomaJodyMitoma Member Posts: 307
edited May 2014 in Working with GS (PC)

I have a MainPlayer actor. I have a shadow constrained to his position. I also have an invisible "collide" box constrained to his position. These work fine and dandy.


As soon as I try and make an invisible actor, and constrain my MainPlayer's position to the invisible actor, GameSalad crashes instantly. Every. Single. Time. :( I REALLY need this if I want to save time in creating ALL of my games levels!!

(The reason for this new invisible actor is because the platforms on my game are a bit 3D, so I need my actor to be sitting a tad bit lower than on top of the "platforms", so that he is not floating above them, but instead is within the 3D constraints of the platform itself. Without this invisible actor allowing me to constrain my MainPlayer's position to it, I will have to create - literally - thousands of invisible actors for my MainPlayer to collide with, instead of the platforms themselves!)


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