Personal or studio name
Hey guys - I've tried reading Apple's documentation on this but it wasn't exactly clear, so was wondering if you can help. If I register a dev account with Apple to publish apps, if I use a studio name, does that have to be a registered company, or can I create one tied to myself, that doesn't use my name as the developer?
Hope that makes sense.
You can use any name.
@lycettebros, are you sure?
My experience tells me that if you do the simplified registration as a private person, that it takes the name from the credit card, used to make the payment, as that is the only verifiable name.
If you are a registered company you need to send the required documents and the actual company name needs to be used, otherwise you will get issues with the tax papers.
I agree with @Hopscotch
As a previous computer store owner... You need to register and "company or studio" with the state you reside. This is for tax purposes... They will also give you the proper Tax ID if it does not stay your social security number. "FEIN". Pretty cheap to start a business IMO...I call my gaming self Shookie Studios but in the Apple
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You need to use your real name if you register for an individual account. You will need a registered company to register for the company account in which you will use your company name instead.
My dev name is not the same as my business name and it all works fine. Maybe I registered under an individual account.
you used to be able to use any name for an individual account but in recent times Apple no longer accept this for new accounts.