Collision Bug: Walking

TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

Ok, so my game is a platformer. I have tried to set things up for natural ground connection, although it has a tendency to have multiple pieces on a surface, like two blocks 256 wide set exactly together so that the last pixel of one touches the first pixel of the next. However, even when I do this, the character has a tendency to get stuck when they hit the end of one platform. They should just walk smoothly over it to the next, but instead they get stuck. Jumping, or sometimes walking back and forth again, or getting hit, almost anything that changes the state, seems to clear it, and it is very random.

My movement set is using Constrain Attribute(velocity) commands to control the speed of the player hwen the keys are pressed and unpressed. it detects the bottom of the floor using a small bounded box that extends 2 pixels below its feet, which indicates to it when it is on the ground or in the air. Is there any reason you can think of that the collision model would keep breaking in this circumstance?

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