help with badly bouncing actors
I am having a problem with bouncing actors. I have two player controlled actors that when they touch each other they bounce off. In the same game I also have a player character and other actors that chase the player. when i stop controlling the player and let the other actors touch him, he bounces off of them. I have tried changing the bounciness and friction and the like but nothing seems to make a difference. please help!
Thank you!
Try increasing the density of your player controlled actor to 1000 and decrease the density of the character actors to 10 and see what happens. It will take some experimenting with different values for Density, Friction and Bounciness of all your actors to get them to behave realistically in your game.
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If you want him to hold still entirely, you can make it so that when no controls are pushed, his X velocity is Constrained to Zero.
Thanks for the help! Sorry it takes me so long to reply!