Publishing game to GameSalad
hello guys
my game is finished and I would like to know what happens when I uppload my game into GS. Where does my game goes? Who can see the game? Is it playable? Is my game info like my game´s name and template available to public? This game is not for sale as a template, I just want to uploaded to GS so people see how a slow guy can also create a nice game.
thanks hehe
Best Answer
bjandthekatz Orlando, FlPosts: 1,375
If you publish to the arcade everyone can see the game through They will not have access to the source code unless you click make this game available as a template when publishing.
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I believe the latest build it is stored on their server. GameSalad staff can see your games. It is not playable unless you choose to publish it. No it is not available to public uess you make it.
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so I publish my game into gamesalad and I can choose if people can see it? is the coding available for gamesalad viewers or they will just be able to play the game?
mille grazie principessa