Make a quality option for your games: it is possible.

mangaspraimangasprai Member, PRO Posts: 35
edited May 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)

Hi guys, i always wondered why modern games doesn't have a quality option and a game that works amazingly on iPhone 5S, probably sucks on iPhone 4. And that's normal, but there is no way to turn the graphics down a bit.

I tried to make a method to swith on and off graphic features and it seems to work pretty nice. Imagine it as an option for your game:

so we have a game attribute game.Quality.
For this test i have only a boolean but you can make it an int so we have 1 to 5 for example:

    if game.Quality is = "5":
    spawn a lot of particles.

    if game.Quality is >= "3" and < "5"
    spawn very few particles.

    if game.Quality is "1":
    do nothing.**

or more simply

if game.Quality is true
spawn 5 "explosion" actors and destroy


spawn 1 "explosion" actor and destroy**

the funny thing is that most of these "features" work in realtime, so you can affect game quality in realtime.
This video shows that: coins animations that stop, background animation stops(water), some background is not visible, some "colored overground" disappears, explosions are exchanged with non additive explosions, less particles when exploded, etc.

What do you think? :)


  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822

    @mangasprai said:
    Hi guys, i always wondered why modern games doesn't have a quality option and a game that works amazingly on iPhone 5S, probably sucks on iPhone 4. And that's normal, but there is no way to turn the graphics down a bit.

    This is basically what Resolution Independence within GameSalad does, it generates lower resolution versions of all your game images - so a Retina iPad will get hi-res images and iPad 2 (and earlier) will use images that are only 1/4 the resolution.

    Throw in your ideas about variable effects and so on and I think you've got a viable solution to slower / older machines.

  • cbtcbt Member Posts: 644

    You can even check the 'speed' of the device and set a quality automatically. There was a template that tested if the device was and iPad or iPhone or something, using something similar. You basically need to do a basic loop of some sort and compare the results on different devices on project start. For example "every 0.01 seconds test = test + 1". It should give different results on slower and faster CPUs (I think). And if not, I'm sure there is some method that we can guess how fast the device is.

  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633

    I used to do this when we were still aiming for iPhone 4 performance. Though it would just be a boolean and entirely disables heavy particles and some other special effects. Worked wonders FPS-wise (e.g. boost of 10-15).

    It got tiring after a while and less and less people were using 4, so we aimed for 4S minimum afterwards. Now the issue is no longer processing power; it's resolution. It's become quite a pain to design content-heavy interfaces for multiple resolutions :(

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