Flexibility of the creator
I'd very much like to use GameSalad for a project I have in mind, but I fear there may be some fundamental constraints that prevent it, your opinions would be appreciated.
I'm thinking of a revision game/app for my students. The game aspect is desirable, but of secondary importance. Being able to include text is crucial, and video would be good (I already know images and sound are possible). I was thinking of perhaps including text as an image if necessary, and video via a hyperlink - are there any better options ?
Are there any app creation services/software the community can recommend as an alternative ?
Can you explain what a "revision game/app" is? I teach and use GameSalad both professionally (as a teacher) and personally as a game developer.
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I was thinking of something that presented theory info and that tested students with a range of multi-choice / drag and drop type questions. The questioning aspect seems fine, but I have doubts about displaying text. There is a link to a video of the type of thing I'm looking for below. It's not too strong on the quiz / game side of things, but the info is presented and organised very well.
I think app studio might do what I want, but it's way to expensive - and I don't know if it will handle scores. I'd look into incorporating a gamesalad game via html5 but I have read another post that suggests the HTML is not downloadable.
AS Psychology AQA 'A' Revision Apps by Cara Flana…: