Publishing to ITunes
I have been hired to make an IOS game for someone. My client is going to join the Apple developers program. My question is If I make the game for him do I just plug in his developers license into the game and publish it? Does my client need to purchase Gamesalad and publish it himself?
You need to do all certificates, app ID's and profiles through his developers portal. Im pretty sure you should be able to have more than one developers certs and stuff on a single mac. So as long as you keep everything well should be abke to do it. A simple adhoc of a very simple test app should tell you if it would work or not. I think it would just fine. I dont believe the keychain certificate woukd end up being a priblem either.
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Keep in mind I do not know this for certain. Just givin my two cents worth.
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Thank you for replying. I will update this thread with my findings and maybe to inquire further.