Glitch/Performance issue

TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

Ok, this one's going to be a bit vague and I apologize, but the problem is I'm not sure whats happening. Is there a way to try to find out what can cause a sudden massive lag spike in game testing? I'm using the editor viewer. The event that seems to cause it, but not at all consistantly, is an enemy tripping a flag by a random integer to activate an attack sequence, which involves changing its size to look horizontally oriented, spawning a field around it that is constrained to its location, and then, on timers, charging forward, then stopping, then returning to its own position and the field despawning on its own timer. For some reason, sometimes when this happens suddenly everything seizes up, the lag becomes monstrously insane, the collision models break for what i can tell and all the characters fall through the scenary, and theres a sever elag between me hitting the back to editor button and it returning. It seems to lean towards happening if they are struck by a certain attack just before it activates, but it is never consistant.

I don't know if code samples will help since theres a lot at play here, so I'm just asking if anyone knows what sort of error can cause this sort of cataclysmic fault, or have suggestions for how i might track it down?


  • TosanuTosanu Member, PRO Posts: 388

    To Clarify, the major thing I'm asking is "does this kind of glitch sound familiar" and what might cause it. I know its not the spawned new actor, since i shut it off and still had it occur. Is it conflicting commands? An infinite loop? I made a fairly complex enemy as this is an aspiring boss fight so theres a lot to look through, and I'm hoping to narrow it down first.

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