Like @tatiang says crime is your best option, I am a big fan of old-school bank heists, but getting a good get away driver is always a problem, and booking a taxi in advance can raise suspicions.
One other option is to sell your body, try dressing provocatively but not too slutty, I find makeup is easy to overdo if you are a man, so go light on the lipstick and mascara, also clients don't like too much stubble or facial hair on a "woman", so loose the moustache before hitting the streets.
A life of crime?
I think you'll find that a stellar game will bring a lot of money if marketed correctly. So let's start there: do you have a stellar game?
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Like @tatiang says crime is your best option, I am a big fan of old-school bank heists, but getting a good get away driver is always a problem, and booking a taxi in advance can raise suspicions.
One other option is to sell your body, try dressing provocatively but not too slutty, I find makeup is easy to overdo if you are a man, so go light on the lipstick and mascara, also clients don't like too much stubble or facial hair on a "woman", so loose the moustache before hitting the streets.