First App Publishing???

Hello all,

I've finally finished my first app (it's taken some time) but I've finally cracked it. It's actually a music making machine I have created not your normal computer game I know, however now it's come to publish, I just wanted to seek out some advice really.

Now I'm not a pro user just yet but I wanted to see if there were any specific do's or don't more than what's in the cookbook. I intend to charge a whopping $1 for the full all singing and dancing version and I also wanted to create a free to download demo version with some of the sounds and functions deactivated. This is something that's new to e and any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Also I'd like to put it out on all available formats but I was going to start with an arcade version for online play and IOS to begin with, is this a reasonalble approach?

Cheers folks!

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