Hi I am trying to make a star system that you get points for how long you can last but i can figure out how to get my timer to save the time you got for level 1-4 in a table an then call it I am going off of this video for the timer.... it doesn't say how to save it to a table though so i have having a bit of trouble. Please Help??
When Alvie is true: Every .1 seconds change tablecellvalue(Table,Column,Row) to tablecellvalue(Table,Column,Row) +.1
Save Table.
Replace (Table,Column,Row) with your information. (Ex. Column "Score" Row 1)
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ok thank you
HI i tried what you said but it didn't work... I made a rule that says when alive is true do timer every 5 seconds change tablecellvalue(tb scores,what level,2) to (tb scores,what level,2)+1 and it didn't work it just stays at 0.... i am using windows gamesalad version
Here's a demo.
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thank you
Hi so i was testing the demo you sent me and i tried to add a column, row for another level/ to make one my self but it wouldn't show the time counting up...
Nvm My table got messed up some how I made a new 1 and it worked