Actor moves with camera after spawning....
So I have a little beat em up and I have the scene larger than the camera.
I have a spawner that spawns enemies outside the scene, these enemies then move towards the hero when the hero is close enough.
However, something shitty is going on with the collision detection and the enemies moving with the camera even though they aren't actually moving...
and the hero is colliding with enemies that aren't there and alll this reallllllly pooey stuff that I can't really explain is going on....
anyone have any idea?
This is a link to the game
Your enemy spawners are on the HUD and spawning enemies on the HUD so they will move with the HUD. Describing your issues as shitty and pooey doesn't provide a detailed description of the problem so I can't help with anything else.
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Haha, yeah sorry, I just really didn't know how to describe it, but I've fixed the problem and it was to do with the layers!