When will banner ads be available for Android?
do anyone know if there is coming an update for banner ads?
My apps in Appstore
The Adventure of Stario : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/the-adventure-of-stario/id866628626?l=nl&ls=1&mt=8
Fruit Catcher - Catch 'em all : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fruit-catcher-catch-em-all/id888480619?l=nl&ls=1&mt=8
Please stop asking the same question 5 different ways. Banner ads will become available when you see them. I'm sure the gamesalad team has a plan to work on getting them available for us. Until then enjoy the other ad options that are available for your use.
Might be resurrecting an old thread here, but hey, it's topical and pertinent (unlike this response above, which I find quite insulting and overly defensive, especially from one who isn't even in the know - there's nothing wrong with asking/nudging for info on a 'feature' that really ought to be (on a mid-level licensing price point product) already built-in from day one, and to jump in and denigrate someone just for asking - personally, I feel that the Gamesalad Team do NOT (and no offence intended) have a plan for (or possibly any intention of) integrating these - any questions on the matter seem to be met with a wall of silence or vagueness?)...
As I paid my Pro license fee PRIMARILY to try and use BANNER ads in my Android apps (the word ENJOY in relation to 'other ad options' (read: intrusive, interstatial, pop-ups, etc), is clearly nonsensical - no-one 'enjoys' them, and as a developer AND an app user, I detest them, so I'd like to have my users just be exposed yo unobtrusive banner ads at the top or bottom (and again, why not top AND bottom?! - how hard can it be to have 2 instances, and fetch an ad for each instance?).
As Gamesalad Pro licenses aren't that cheap, and only last a year, surely it's in their interest to actually HELP us developers make money back to motivate us to keep paying the Pro subscription (sorry, license)?!
Seriously guys, this last post was way back in MAY, and still no news about implementing workable, feasible rate banner ads into Android apps? - ominous concerning ever getting them, to say the least...
Can this PLEASE be looked into with urgency in the Roadmap?... It's the main reason I paid the fee and went Pro, and now I still find, that despite investing in a Mac too (due to giving up on a timely PC update that matches what Mac users currently have, also happening anytime soon), I STILL cannot easily monetize my apps short of either selling them (we all know how that goes in terms of ratio against free games), or throwing pop-ups and interstatials in my potential users' faces, potentially risking many uninstalls for that reason alone?...)
Please GS guys - treat this post with seriousness, and respond in a promising manner? - At present, I feel I have potentially wasted almost £200...
Seriously I also want to know
@Japster @DJ0670 Revmob banner integration has been approved via feature request. I believe it was confirmed for version 0.14
www.mbstudios.co | Free Stuff
I am pretty unhappy that I can't monetize my games now that I paid for PRO. Chartboost and Revmob don't work. I consider that false advertising.
Revmob and Chartboost interstitial ads work fine last time i checked.
Fortuna Infortuna Forti Una
I have been having problems placing ads in my android game that I made in GameSalad. I have tried Chartboost and Revmob several times and they cause the games to freeze-up.
I decided to try Chartboost in my GameSalad game again. This time I just opted for interstitials. On my initial page I have a timer to advance to the next page. This is where I authorized the first ad. Before I had my games structured where you had to touch a button to advance and I had a start-up ad. The game always seemed to freeze up after the ad showed. Unfortunately the same thing is happening. The very first time the game is played it works fine, but shortly there afterwards, the game freezes up on startup. If I click the home button on my cell phone and retouch the game icon, the game opens up in the following page, and it works ok. I have another interstitial authorized at the end of the game, to play the game again when you touch start or comienza. After the ad shows the game freezes and I have to go thru the same procedure to advance to the next page ( hit home then retouch the game icon). But in this case when the game opens on the correct page after retouching the icon, the game is totally frozen, and the procedure of hitting Home and the icon again does not work. I then have to hit the back button to get out of the game.
I spent a fair amount of money to upgrade to a product where I was supposed to be able to make games and monetize them. The GameSalad Pro is presented as an upgrade where there are other benefits such as publication and monetization. But I think everyone knows that that is not the case. You have to know that you have problems, the users know. Just read the forums. I would hope that you address and rectify my problem quickly. If I can't use the Game Salad Pro as it is advertised to the public, I will have to develop my games on another software program. It is to all of our benefit to have this work. I have developed 6 games so far and I plan on developing more. I will be placing advertising in all of my games. The idea is for all of us to make money on our efforts. I trust that you will handle this problem promptly.
It is avery simple game. You can download it on Google Play at: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.subigames.cpcb
Craig Gibson
cc: GameSalad, Chartboost
Hey Craig,
I'm sorry you're having trouble using Chartboost and RevMob in your game. I work at Chartboost and haven't heard much from other developers about having issues like this. I would contact GameSalad's support (we will still gladly answer any questions about setting up campaigns / apps, etc., but this seems more like a technical integration question).
I'll respond to your email as well.