How I can earn money with my html5 gamesalad game ?

Yes my first game with gamesalad windows version is ready. Unfortunately since no money to buy the pro version at present, please advise me how to monetize my game. Is is possible to monetize via facebook or iphone freely ? What are the options available free in gamasalad. Please revert me back as soon as possible, it is my only chance to earn a living now thanks in advance
Your only option to earn money from the fee version is to sell it on the App Store. However GS will place ads in the game (as your not pro) but you can still sell the game at any price you want. Any other option of monitization requires pro. Hope this helps.
Thanks, but is it possible to earn money with the html5 version on my game site?
Simple answer, no. Unfortunately.
There is always Banner ads around the page the game sits in. Never published an HTML5 version so sorry if you don't have control of the page you place the web version into. I would have through you could and with enough high volume you might get some decent ad revenue from the page.
Thanks guys.. very useful information
Fatfish is right - you can't monetise the game per se, but because it's an iframe you can pretty much put it on any website you want and then monetise the website. For example, you could build a facebook canvas app, and put banner ads on there.
Or if you have really strong characters/artwork you could create a single page for your game and then sell prints/tshirts from that page.
But by far the easiest way to make money using gamesalad is to publish it to the app store and google play and either sell it, put in ads or use IAPs (in app purchases).
in order to put it in both the apple store and google play, what sort of fees are involved?
You need to pay a yearly $100 Developer membership fee for the App Store, and a one time $25 fee for Google Play.
wait.... so if I make a game using GSs free version. Then submit it to the app store. The game will have ads placed inside it by Gamesalad? So all my games will have ads wether I want them to or not? Is forced ads in my games, the price for using GS for free?
As far as I know, yes - that's exactly right.
No that is not right. There is just a more games button at the beginning of the game as far as I know. The ad format has changed over there years but in all cases it has just been a start up ad of some sort.
Your using their product for free. They have to get something out of it if your not going to buy pro.
Hi @skdiat! I noticed that its usually Google Play and Apple App Store are the only choices to sell or monetize your game. But you can also try to sell your games and apps with Dogecoin or Bitcoin. Dogelet and ShibeMart let you sell apps and games and you will be paid in Dogecoins.
Anyways, Dogecoin and Bitcoin are digital currency. Currently, 1 BTC is worth 624 USD and 1000 DOGE is worth 0.25 USD, you can exchange that to your currency in any Alternative Currency Exchanges, use that to buy other items or save that when the value of those coins go up. 1 BTC was worth 3-10 USD three years ago.
You can publish to Amazon, Windows and Tizen with GS Pro
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