You have to view the details of the most recent upload of your app and in the top right corner will be a link that says "Binary Details" you will find the reject button there. If you just recently uploaded your app the reject button won't appear until your app says "Waiting for Review".
Edit: I just realized you asked about "Waiting for upload"… I am unsure about that one. You might have to upload your app and then just reject it once the app moves in to waiting to review status. At least that's what I ended up doing…
That's the problem. I cannot upload my app because there is an error caused by my mistake when I made "Upload a Binary". And now there is no any button and Apple Support adviced me to make "Developer Reject" but they didn't explain how to do so.
From what I just read you can't change the status of your app once you press the upload binary button unless you have already submitted a previous version of your app or you upload a binary and then reject it. So you might be out of luck, but like I said, that's just what I read. Maybe someone else has more info on the topic.
If this is related to your IFDA error and you already pressed ready to upload binary...then your only method is to go ahead and upload...knowing it will get rejected....then start the process in my video link for IFDA and application loader. Unfortunately I have not found any way to go "back" from this process once you click ready to upload. Sucks I know but just go upload...get rejected and at the prepare for upload page is where you can make your IFDA changes. Promise it will work :-)
Yes, cool, but I'm saying over and over again that I don't have any button "Upload a binary" or anything, I cannot upload anything because of the error of IDFA so I cannot
be rejected. I have waiting for upload status and I cannot upload anything. I'm not rejected binary because I cannot upload because of that issue, so is there any way to do
some step by step things to edit IDFA or just drop it, and make another one? (I cannot delete on itunesconnect also ...)
Yes, cool, but I'm saying over and over again that I don't have any button "Upload a binary" or anything, I cannot upload anything because of the error of IDFA so I cannot
be rejected. I have waiting for upload status and I cannot upload anything. I'm not rejected binary because I cannot upload because of that issue, so is there any way to do
some step by step things to edit IDFA or just drop it, and make another one? (I cannot delete on itunesconnect also ...)
This happened to me once; I picked the wrong IDFA settings and could not upload or reject (since it would not upload). Luckily, I had an old binary available that I hadn't messed up and I uploaded that one instead, then rejected it and fixed my problem.
If that isn't an option for you, you could also delete the app itself in iTunes connect and then set it up again as a new app.
I cannot delete an app. There is no button "Delete App" beneath "Transfer App" button, to have so I have to have status different than "Waiting for Upload" status which I have now ...
And so also you are zipping your signed app prior to trying to upload via application loader? Sorry I seem to be able to do what I do in my videos....maybe Im not the best at troubleshooting without seeing via skype or something. :-(
@MichalCh dont know where you are at but I will be available at 9:00pm CDT USA....thats -6GMT my skype name is tc5150. Feel free to send me an invite and at 9 I will log in.
You have to view the details of the most recent upload of your app and in the top right corner will be a link that says "Binary Details" you will find the reject button there. If you just recently uploaded your app the reject button won't appear until your app says "Waiting for Review".
Edit: I just realized you asked about "Waiting for upload"… I am unsure about that one. You might have to upload your app and then just reject it once the app moves in to waiting to review status. At least that's what I ended up doing…
That's the problem. I cannot upload my app because there is an error caused by my mistake when I made "Upload a Binary". And now there is no any button and Apple Support adviced me to make "Developer Reject" but they didn't explain how to do so.
Login into your iTunes connect account,
Select manage your apps,
Click on the app in question,
Then click "view details" under the version box,
Then under the "links" section select "binary details"
Then click "reject binary" in the top right hand side
***If it isn't there, then why not just upload a binary (as its waiting for one) and then reject it after
From what I just read you can't change the status of your app once you press the upload binary button unless you have already submitted a previous version of your app or you upload a binary and then reject it. So you might be out of luck, but like I said, that's just what I read. Maybe someone else has more info on the topic.
I cannot upload a binary because during it through Application Loader there is an Error and Apple said to Reject that myself.
If this is related to your IFDA error and you already pressed ready to upload binary...then your only method is to go ahead and upload...knowing it will get rejected....then start the process in my video link for IFDA and application loader. Unfortunately I have not found any way to go "back" from this process once you click ready to upload. Sucks I know but just go upload...get rejected and at the prepare for upload page is where you can make your IFDA changes. Promise it will work :-)
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Yes, cool, but I'm saying over and over again that I don't have any button "Upload a binary" or anything, I cannot upload anything because of the error of IDFA so I cannot
be rejected. I have waiting for upload status and I cannot upload anything. I'm not rejected binary because I cannot upload because of that issue, so is there any way to do
some step by step things to edit IDFA or just drop it, and make another one? (I cannot delete on itunesconnect also ...)
I watched your video several times, but the beginning we have different. You have "Rejected binary" status, that's why u have that button.
This happened to me once; I picked the wrong IDFA settings and could not upload or reject (since it would not upload). Luckily, I had an old binary available that I hadn't messed up and I uploaded that one instead, then rejected it and fixed my problem.
If that isn't an option for you, you could also delete the app itself in iTunes connect and then set it up again as a new app.
I cannot delete an app. There is no button "Delete App" beneath "Transfer App" button, to have so I have to have status different than "Waiting for Upload" status which I have now ...
And so also you are zipping your signed app prior to trying to upload via application loader? Sorry I seem to be able to do what I do in my videos....maybe Im not the best at troubleshooting without seeing via skype or something. :-(
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Ofc I'm zipping, I wouldn't be able to upload without it. You think you would be able to help via skype?
@MichalCh dont know where you are at but I will be available at 9:00pm CDT USA....thats -6GMT my skype name is tc5150. Feel free to send me an invite and at 9 I will log in.
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing