Question about switching scenes
I'm still learning gamesalad and I'm hoping someone can answer this question for me.
What happens to your current screen when you load another screen? Does it pause? Does it get unloaded?
I've seen some examples of game "pausing" on youtube and they load a pause screen, then load the original screen when you "unpause" it.
Is that the best way? Will it work consistantly?
What happens to actors when you load a different scene? Do they keep running?
1.) Whenever you change to another scene, whatever was going on in the previous scene is dumped from memory, unless you choose to save certain attributes, and returned to its original state.
2.) Pausing freezes whatever action was going on, and takes you to another screen, and when you go back, the action starts from where it was left off when you hit the pause button.
3.) No, they do not keep running. You can, however, save attributes, and load them back into the scene if you return to it from another scene.
Thanks! That's good to know!