Whats the Best way to build universal.
I have been looking around for the best way to build a universal game without any downsides and so far I have come up short all the videos and templates I seem to find are from last year. Does anyone have the best way to do it, possibly they could share a template or a link to a video explaining how to do it. All my pimages are 16:9 ratio
Well, there are a couple of tricks to go about universal builds, but the easiest way is to use stretch. You don't have to mess around with repositioning actors or camerasettings, BUT and there is always a BUT
that will make your images a bit distorted. Its actually not as bad as many people think it is.
Another method that I have tried that works pretty well is the one @DenimShark has made tutorials on.
Another one is @VoidedSky method.
Up to you to decide if they are good enough