Help about game attributes and copy paste scenes
Hello , i want to know if i can use the same game attribute in different scenes, i also want to know if the best way to create another scene is just making a copy paste of another scene, this way you don´t have to put again the actors that you can reuse, but i don´t know if the scene is going to be with errors, i also have a problem making an interpolated move, i have the rule when actor hero collide with a platform , the platform is interpolated to position y -300, but when my actor hero touch the platform and the platform goes to position -300 my actor hero does a small jump, is there any way to solve it?, thanks.
Game attributes work throughout the game, no matter what scene.
You can copy a scene and paste it, or restart by making a blank scene. Its about preference.
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thanks, i mean if i can use a game attribute with different actors, for example i create a game attribute for a platform to move left and right and for an actor hero, i can use the same attribute for another different platform and another different actor hero?