Game Center - No Objects // Id's match each other what else is the problem?
I think I messed something up but I can't find what!
In my first version of the game 1.0:
Game Center runned fine no problem.
I uploaded 1.1 and now it shows me:
No Objects
I checked my Leaderboard ID:
It is unchanged and correct:
com.secretpotion.bumpyballhighscore - In gamesalad
com.secretpotion.bumpyballhighscore - In iTunes
Also the leader board list has the status - Live
Do you guys have any Idea what else could it be???
My last game has same issue,I sent new update,if it doesn't change,I don't know why this is happening.I checked all information,should not be a problem.
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Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
All the gamesalad games on ios have this problem I believe
Got 4 other games live this month
they all use exact same logic and their Game Center works.
I also realized that it only doesn't work for me as it works for my friends.
could one of you download
Bumpy ball 1.1 and tell me if the highscore works?
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@BigDave it works for me and you should support ipad,in my opinion.
Check out my games on the App Store!
Wordgraphy / Polycolor / 20 Seconds / Minimal Maze
thanks man I think this could be then a issue because of switching back and forth between adhoc and live versions and Game Center maybe screws up
good to know it works for the normal people
thank you
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