Help with constraining to a zone

Hi there,
I have an actor that I would either like to drag up and down or left and right. If I wanted the actor to only be able to be dragged up to a certain point and down to a certain point with with out the actor stopping and then being unable to be dragged at the end points, how would I do this?

Best Answers

  • joshiwujoshiwu Posts: 207
    Accepted Answer

    Incompass your drag rule in another rule that says "if mouse position < starting position+50 AND IF Mouse position > starting position - 50
    Then constrain :)

  • colandercolander Posts: 1,610
    edited May 2014 Accepted Answer

    @GamesforGood in your actor place a rule with two Constrain Attributes and change these example values to whatever you want.

    Rule - Actor receives event : Touch is Pressed

    self.PositionX to min(max( game.Mouse.Position.X ,100),400)

    self.PositionY to min(max( game.Mouse.Position.Y ,100),200)

    If you want to use an off set to stop the actor moving to your touch there is a tshirtbooth video on how to do that just do a search for it.


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