having trouble :(
i want my game on iphones and android phones. but i cant find a simple answer on how to go about picking what landscape works best. i need a portrait but do i check resolution indepenace? the only answer i found is that you cant have block boxes when publishing on andriods.
all the programming is done, arts done. but i did it on ipad and didnt check resolution independence, so now im thinking its not even gonna fit on a cell phone.
if someone can just give me a quick answer on how to get it onto the cell phones i listed above, that would be amazing. i'd like to reprogram, if i have to as soon as possible
Okay for Apple devices you need to double the size of your art and check resolution indi. When you check RI the gamesalad publishing system will return two sets of your art. One at the double size for RI devices and one half that size for non RI Apple devices. When you go to publish for Android it will ignore RI and return the half size art. You can try submitting without RI but Apple usually rejects non RI apps as the require RI.
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what do you mean by return?
im assuming i just check indie and everything works out for everything.
but then if andriod ignores indie it will have a game with 2x the size of the art i want
is my understanding there?
also do you need to have pro to publish on andriod?
thanks for the speedy response
really im just looking for a use 1000 by 750 for apple with this checked. and use i dunno 670 x480 for droids kinda answer. its for the scene
if the scene is meant to fit the box then wont it have a specific size anyways ? lol
should i use an ipad portrait with the RI and it will work with iphone?
i dont understand why its a big secret ive seen others post the same questions and no answers there either
kk so i reread it. correct me if im wrong.
open game salad, go to legacy portrait and check box RI
import scene size 960x640 even though you can only view 480x320?