Publishing under personal account, with my "company" branding
Hi there community, I need your help big time.
I almost finished building 2 of my games, and the next step is to publish to the Apple App Store. In order for my games to seem more professional and to give both of them some unity and singular branding, I created a brand name - with a logo and everything. This logo, which represents my "company" (not formally registered anywhere), appears in splash screens at the start of both games. I intend to give, when I publish, the "companyname".com website - and NOT my personal blog website.
However, my Apple Dev account is registered under my personal name, not under the mock "company" brand.
I am afraid I will have trouble with getting my app approved. Should I be worried? Thanks!!
EDIT: When publishing, under 'copyright', I will still put my name in there. I have nothing against my name appearing as the developer in the App Store.
No it's not an issue. You can trade as any name if you wish. For example my app account is under my name and all games are under my brand gingagaming. Take a peek.
Thanks, @gingagaming - good to know that this practice is tolerated. I had a look at your apps, and since I'm sure that you have loads more experience with this than I do - what was your experience with revenues from in-app purchases? Did you get more income form this than from ads?