Spawning actors from table problem

I'm making a simple game and at the beginning of every level there are set an amount of different actors spawned depending on the level. I have constrained attributes to a table cell value ie how many of which actors per scene and a column to control what level you're on.

Then to spawn them I have set up a spawning actor that every so many seconds, it spawns another one of the needed actors until the required amount has been reached for that level this was using another attribute just to keep a tally.

The problem I have is on some levels some actors get spawned when they are not supposed to and it's always at the very beginning of the level.

So even when my table cell value says 0 it seems to spawn 1 actor of each type at the beginning of the level. It really frustrating me as I can't find a way to stop it.

I made a debugging actor and told it to read the various cell values but it seems the table is not the problem as it reads a 0 when its supposed to be a 0.

Any of you good folks have any ideas where I may be going wrong?

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