tableSearch lagging game!!
Hey all!
I have a game that checks a word from a table and checks if the word is in the dictionary. I have a 170000 word dictionary.
I have utilized a template i found on the forums but the tableSearch method is making the game very slow.
I have even played the game with this rule switched off and the game is faster.
My question: Is there a way to check if a word is valid quickly? that hopefully will not jeopardise performance.
or is there a way of deleting all words less than 3 characters long and more than 8 characters long as I only have words between 3-8 letters long?
Sydney Swans 2014!!
Let me tag @BlackCloakGS and @CodeWizard so they can look into this. I'd also submit a bug report so it's in their official ticket system.
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hey @Braydon_SFX , thanks for your help!
I've managed to delete 80,000 cells from my csv file so that there are only words that are letters 3-8. However, whilst performance has improved 50%, the game is still slow. It takes a while for the game to register a touch when I touch my actor [have to press actor multiple times].
Is this problem performance based or is my actor size too small for touch? I have six 80x80 actors across the screen on portait mode. Would this cause problems when I touch one of them?
[in a nutshell, I have to touch one of the actors multiple times. Sort of a 'delayed reaction']
Sorry about the length but thanks for the help
Sydney Swans 2014!!
Hey @bzhgames if you are searching the dictionary table on every letter press, that's probably where the lag is. Without seeing your code, it's hard to say, but you should try splitting up the dictionary. When the user is making the word (again I don't know your game), they'll only have X number of letters. If you split the dictionary up into word sizes then it'll be more manageable and much faster. I had the same issue, and splitting it up made it go WAY faster.
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