Save custom device resolutions in previewer

mc99093mc99093 Member, PRO Posts: 133

How can you save the custom device resolutions in the previewer? Each time I use the previewer I have you set the custom device resolution again.


  • maTTrockTmaTTrockT Member, PRO Posts: 3

    i have the same issue.. would be great when custom resolutions will be saved that we don't have to add them every time again and again and again...

  • bwilhelmbwilhelm Member, BASIC Posts: 7

    Since we are now paying $20/month for this software, having this ability seems like a reasonable and fairly easy add.

  • BlackCloakGSBlackCloakGS Member, PRO Posts: 2,250

    Please submit a feature request and I will added it. It should of been in there when the feature was added but i ran out of time.

  • SocksSocks London, UK.Member Posts: 12,822
    edited July 2015

    @bwilhelm said:
    Since we are now paying $20/month for this software, having this ability seems like a reasonable and fairly easy add.

    Oh God !!! That drives me absolutely insane !! :smiley: Not being able to save the custom device resolutions makes the feature almost unusable, or at least so troublesome as to be impractical, I often like to preview my iPad projects at Retina resolution and have to go through this (below) every single time I Preview . . . .

    So . . . I hit Play, then hit Pause, then dutifully click on the pulldown menu, select Edit Custom Resolutions, then hit the 'plus' button to create new one, double click on 'Name' to quickly type in a random title or just a couple of letters, then tab to Height, type in the height, tab to Width, type in the width, hit the OK button, then click on the pulldown menu again and select my new Custom Resolution, then hit play . . .

    I then take a look at my preview and realise the game element I am previewing to check needs a little adjustment of some kind, so I return to the actor's code, make my changes, and then have to go through the whole process again . . .

    . . . I hit Play, then hit Pause, then dutifully click on the pulldown menu, select Edit Custom Resolutions, then hit the 'plus' button to create new one, double click on 'Name' to quickly type in a random title or just a couple of letters, then tab to Height, type in the height, tab to Width, type in the width, hit the OK button, then click on the pulldown menu again and select my new Custom Resolution, then hit play . . .

    Now the adjustment I have made looks good, but I can now see another game element has been impacted by my adjustment of the first game element (which is basically 90% of game development - for me at least - making adjustments and previewing to test them out) . . . so back to the relevant actor's code . . make my adjustments and then . . .

    . . . I hit Play, then hit Pause, then dutifully click on the pulldown menu, select Edit Custom Resolutions, then hit the 'plus' button to create new one, double click on 'Name' to quickly type in a random title or just a couple of letters, then tab to Height, type in the height, tab to Width, type in the width, hit the OK button, then click on the pulldown menu again and select my new Custom Resolution, then hit play . . .

    And so on . . . . like I say, and as anyone can see, this is so impractical as to make the function largely useless, you cannot viably do this process every time, once you've repeated the above process 60-80 times in an afternoon, you soon learn to live without this feature and just settle with previewing at the default resolution/size.

    Also why - on the Custom Device Resolution panel - is there even the room for a list of custom resolutions if you cannot save anything !? Surely no one is going to bother to go through the process of generating 8-10 custom resolution/sizes, just to see all their work deleted 20 seconds later when they go back to editing the project ?

    /Rant over ! :wink:

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