Fixing your in-App Purchase Error's.
Hi guys, I've seen a few people post about the iAP error's and I had this when releasing my last app, it happened about 3-4 times, and waiting for review then getting rejected, can really piss you off.. This is what happened with me and how I fixed it.
I watched a video on youtube, which told me to set up tables for my in-app purchases, and since I had never used iAP i decided to follow that tutorial, and it didn't help. My app was rejected 3 times, I missed my release date, and the second & third release dates because of this error. Well I managed to fix it & I hope this helps.
Here is what my iAP looks like in Gamesalad
& Here is what it looks like in iTunes Connect
Make your Product ID in ITC and pop it exactly as you see it into game salad it sounds so silly but literally that's all you have to do, no extra code, no hoops here & there I've seen all the error's and posts on GS forums & I've had them all until I did this. Don't try to set up tables for the iAP (if you have been and they haven't been working) because you WILL get an error with iTunes and apple will reject the app.
I don't usually post "help" topic's so if you need any more help just post here or DM me and ill try & help the best I can,
wow!! I also had that problem. thanks alot bro, really apreciate your support! I create tables in Iap, wont do it anymore...........!!!
If I am using attributes instead of tables how should I set them?
1ºadd atribute: Text
2ºchange its name to 1500_gems "same as product id
would that work? Do I really need to make an attribute for a product ID? they just hold an ID. sorry I am confused and have think too much about this.. Dont want more rejections. Hope I explained myself.
Im a little confused with the question? My game.GameCoins is my coins attribute and it changes to game.GameCoins+1500 (When that iAp is purchased) You can Direct message me your GameSalad code for your iAp if you want and I can try and help.
So here is my question again. Is really complicated

I have an actor, inside my actor I have a IAP rule.
That product ID in the "IMAGE"(actor with IAP) is totally the same as the product ID in Itunes connect. You can see both pics. they have no spaces mistakes.
What I dont know Is that if I have to add an attribute with the product ID. I see that as a useless thing. here is the image of what I mean about having an attribute holding the product ID.
The product ID in a game has always had to match the iTunes Connect IAP ID. Tables are used to record a boolean value true or false to tell the game whether or not the user has made an IAP. You will need a separate boolean attribute for each IAP. You can use a Save Attribute if you prefer but tables are the better option.
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did not answer my question. sry
In the "In App Purchase Item" action where you have "game.Gems gotten To game.Gems gotten" this should be "game.Gems gotten To true" and true has to be typed into the box do not open the expression editor. If the purchase is successful the attribute will be changed to true if not it will remain false.
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My IAP is a "Consumable" if I change it to true then it will not be consumable again. I have game.Gems gotten to gameGems gotten+90
Check my last thread please. If someone Fix this prob, I deposit them money into their banc acc
Anyone have issues with IAP turning themselves on with out any actions taken to do so? For example when I purchase coins it unlocks my locked tools IAP. There is no rule telling it to unlock tools other than in the IAP actor that has that command for tools. I have missed three launch dates because I cannot fix this issue.