Join Me! The programmer
My name is Alexander Safstrom.
I'm a Java and GameSalad developer.
And I want to tell you... That.
Lots of GameSalad or even Java developers just sit at home and making
games/programs on their own.
But I want to change that!
Isn't it true that 1+1=2. Yes it is.
so the power of 1 developer and another developer will be 2 developers. The game will be more powerful.
More levels. More graphics. More... Everything...
If you go to school and talk with your friends and say: - "Do you want to make a game" "I can learn you how to code"
They often say no. And even if they say yes they will still ask you when you have explained them 200 times how to make a class.
But if you take a look out to the world. At the other countries...
Or even here at the GameSalad forum.
Join some other programmers and start developing together. Making an awesome game... Together.
Now here i am recruiting developers for free. Those developers who will program with me for free. And at the end.
I've planned a monetization for our projects. And of course all of us will get money when we started to sell it.
So now if you are Interested mail me!
Join Me!
Hello @exflosion
Although I admire your enthusiasm here, 999 times out of 1000 these sorts of long distance collaborations don't work.... the reasons mainly being mismatch of experience/talent, timings of each person's element along with the whole project, backbiting and acrimony about who has done more than someone else so should get more money, the money situation (let's just say that can go disastrously wrong with that aspect for quite a few reasons), etc., etc., etc.
I really could carry on the list.
not necessarily true -but half the work for each of the two people for sure... but even then no necessarily true - what if one of those two people doesn't "pull their weight"? And if that's the case, does he get paid less in any profits? You decide this? And if so, do people get paid less for less amount of hours spent or less experience, or some other reasons?
Well, there's not an alternative here, is there? I don't know anyone who'd pay you for you to recruit them.
Have you contracts that'd stand up in court about this intended venture for each of your intended recruits?
Who comes up with the original game idea? What part are you going to do? Do you want all your "recruits" to do some programming each, or will some do the graphics, or source photos maybe, or the music and sound? Have you made a plan of action for your game or are you asking people to come on board when you've not started a project yet? You don't appear to have any sort of track record with using GameSalad.
All in all, your proposals are unprofessional and a bit pie-in-the-sky, frankly.
And I'm sorry to say, I must warn any potential GSC programmers reading your post to think twice about contacting you, for your sake as well as theirs.
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
With respect, @gyroscope , I think @exflosion is perhaps one of our younger members here, hence more enthusiasm than professionalism
Having said that, I'd encourage you (mister exflosion) to seek out friends at school maybe to experiment using GameSalad.
The pitfalls that gyro rightly pointed out above are very real in long-distance collaborations whether you're 13 or 63 I'm afraid. It can work, but only knowing someone via the internet means they can disappear pretty much when they want to!
Seeking someone out at school might be the better way to go. Then you can sit in class and daydream about what game you're going to make together after school (but do pay attention to teachers!) and split the duties between yourselves.
I think it'll be fun!
Good luck,
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Thanks, QS; I went a bit overboard, didn't I
I sort of assumed the worst case scenario here (and we all know what that is...) so apologies to one and all..
(Still meaning what I wrote though but it could have been less aggressively put for certain...)
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
@gyroscope No worries - Everything you said was solid, it's just easy to forget there are kids here too
(especially when some of us grown ups act like them!)
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
. . . I've seen many a collaboration descend into actual bare-knuckle street fighting, with developers violently wrestling each other on the ground over an attribute dispute or badly formatted table, I've known of developers arranging 'accidents' for other developers (who can forget when Tshirtbooth 'accidentally' walked under that train?) and in around 2 out of every 5 collaborations there is at least one fatality, StraightSaladShooter was famously killed when the template of a Flappy Bird template he was working on went horribly wrong and he was whacked by a hired hitman, this is not to say you shouldn't consider collaboration with others, just be careful who you work with and always keep a loaded gun by your bed.
@RP and I have been partners for two years now and all is well. I guess we just jive. We share a very similar creative philosophy. We work the concepts together he is the primary artist and I the coder. It works for us.
Guru Video Channel | Lost Oasis Games | FRYING BACON STUDIOS
@The_Gamesalad_Guru Hi Dave, yes, and you & @RP are both experienced professionals... by the sound of it, @exflosion didn't just want a partner, but as many developers as he could, all with differing experience, etc., etc, etc oh, you know the score...
Snigger, ha and ha, @Socks! Very funny and witty but I hope TSB or SSS aren't going to file a lawsuit against you!
""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork temp domain
...what did happen to tshirtbooth?
No one can say for certain, but the rumour is that after he got out of hospital he 'accidentally' fell into a mincing machine and ended up in several hundred hot dogs.
If anyone comes after me I'm going to the press and telling them what you did with that Angry Birds template.
i always wondered what happened to TSbooth , one day he was active in the community and then never saw him again, weird , never thought that this fights would go so far
Stormy speeds away in his train as the old indie t-shirt developer slumps over the tracks and releases a tatty leather suitcase, it tumbles and burst open. Thousands of t-shirts and itunes sales receipts scatter up into the red skies blocking out the sun...
Stormy holds his white claws aloft and shouts "You said it was a fifty fifty split Aaaarrrgggh!"
Short answer fell out of bed with the guys at GS, sold GSHelper to someone that didn't care who then sold it to someone who turned it into a 3rd party site making very little content in house.
We could of purchased GSH several times the most recent a few months ago but after looking backstage and at the sales reports we felt the set up was far too messy to take on so we decided to make DBM our own 3rd party site.
I do hope TSB is having a heap of fun with his t-shirts and you never know he could return one day.