choose few actors from more actors
i have one Scene and 4 actors
I have to pick just only 3 actors
I choose 3 actors and save them
i press button and change scene (scene2)
in Scene 2 I wish you could see the 3 actors that I choose
instead it shows only the last actor repeated 3 times
where am I wrong?
I forgot something?
thanks for your attention
sorry for my bad english
On the first scene, you are changing the values of game.actor01, game.actor02, game.actor03, and game.actor04 when the actors are clicked. Then on the second scene, your rules are checking game.actorA, game.actorB, game.actorC, and game.actorD instead of the attributes that were changed on the first scene.
Those attributes have to match (game.actor01 on the first scene and a rule with game.actor01 on the second scene, etc.).
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I put a list actor in the first scene with the relationship between actor01 and actorA
in the first scene works fine
in the second scene does not work
where am I wrong?
thanks for your attention
Oh sorry, I misunderstood how your game works. I see now that you have to press Save to get it to work.
Here's what I did: I pressed the second (gray) circle, then the save actorB button, then the third (green) circle, then the save actorC button, and then the red arrow button to go to the next scene. That sets game.actorC to 3. But then on the second scene, you have the rule in the Spawn ActorC scene2 actor that says When game.actorC=3, spawn actor04scene2 which is the green actor. So that's not right, is it?
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right! yes ....
I did a bit of mess
i reloading the correct file
I always have the problem that appears in second scene only the last actor selected
maybe I should put some attribute false in otherwise

I did some tests but I can not do it
when there is a logic problem ... I always lock ....
thanks for help me
maybe you could do it in a totally different way...
I wish I could choose some actor from a group of more actors
I would basically make a game where there is a sort of gallery of actors
you have to pick two or three actors in the gallery
and then you play with those chosen
thanks for your attention
I started to rebuild your app from the ground up because there are better ways to achieve what you're trying to do but it ended up being too time-consuming so I stopped and gave the advice above. But yes, it's possible to code it more efficiently and clearly.
New to GameSalad? (FAQs) | Tutorials | Templates | Greenleaf Games | Educator & Certified GameSalad User
@tatiang if you did a template of this thing I'd buy it for sure
I think it's an interesting thing for other users GameSalad
I looked around a bit in the templates looking for something similar but have not found anything
Leave the possibility for the player to choose his characters with which to play
I think that would be applicable to many games.
thanks for your answer
