In-Game Colour Selection Wheel.
This is a colour selection wheel for when you might want to choose a colour within an app - I posted a simplified version of this a few months back, but this one has hue, saturation and brightness - it's an old project that I didn't get around to finishing, but it seems to work ok (although I've not taken a close look at it recently).
Anyhow . . . . mostly posted for @jorkos but it might be useful to others.
Outer Ring = Hue
Inner Ring = Brightness
Centre Circle = Saturation
Nice! Maybe the center ring can change from white to grey depending on the saturation? Or have a circulair (?) gradient perhaps.
Lump Apps and My Assets
The centre circle is saturation - it desaturates as you rotate it counterclockwise.
I got that but the center circle itself doesn't change. Might be a nice extra indication to the saturation. Like the outer is pointing to the color the centre one could give an indication of the saturation.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Outer Ring = Hue
Inner Ring = Brightness
Centre Circle = Saturation
The centre circle desaturates as you rotate it counterclockwise, you can see it happening in the video !?
It stays white
Lump Apps and My Assets
Outer Ring = Hue
Inner Ring = Brightness
Centre Circle = Saturation
The device consists of three elements, two rings and a circle.
Going from the outside we see - firstly a coloured ring, then a white ring and finally a circle in the centre, this centre circle controls the saturation.
That's reallly cool!
Ah, I meant the inner ring. I read centre circle as inner ring. It would be nice if that changed too. But I like it anyway.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Ah! I see
Yes, that's the brightness ring, and yes, agreed, you could track the brightness to its angle, like I say it's an unfinished concept/project, I'm sure it can be improved.
One obvious shortcoming (and easy to sort out) is that you cannot currently lighten the colour, the way the brightness ring is set up it can only darken the colour (ie: you can't push the colour towards pale pink or even white), but like I say that's pretty easy to sort out.
You could ad a white circle on top of the centre one and have the inner ring control that ones Alpha at some point. But you know that
I made RGB sliders before but this one is much nicer.
Lump Apps and My Assets
Cheers, I like alpha idea, but this device writes the RGB to three game attributes (so you can access the colour you generate with the device for your game) - so you'd need to calculate the values properly rather than cheating with a white circle of varying opacity (hope that makes sense) !
I'm sure it could be improved, I like your radial gradient idea, that would work well, if anyone develops it further it would be good to post the improved version in thread.
Cool... Cheers for sharing..
Decides to 'do a Socks'. and runs off to to patent office and files for ' Colour Wheel Adventures, the return of the lesbian zombie king™ '.
.. plus a version with 'colour' spelt 'Color' too.. for the crazy spelling half of the world. :-)