Problem with the sprites. HELP PLEASE!!

Hola tengo un problema con los sprites (imagenes, cmo le quieran llamar), resutla que estoy haciendo un juego de plataforma 2d, pero a la hora de poner la imagen en el actor me toma también en cuenta la parte que es transparente de la imagen, las imágenes las hice con Photoshop, elimine el fondo y las exporte en .jpeg y .pgn. Ojalá y alguien me pueda ayudar ya que es muy frustrante que a la hora de las colisiones haga colisión con el fodo (que ya había eliminado y en la imagen no aparece) y no con el personaje.
Estoy usando GameSalad para Windows.


  • iandanoneiandanone Member Posts: 5

    Hi! Im having a problem with the sprites (images), well Im a newbie and Im doing a 2d plataform game, but when I put the image on the actor the game is displaying the background when I already erase the background in photoshop, the background doesnt appear but when i try to do a collision the actor collides with the background of the image that doesnt exist. I do the images with photoshop and there are exported in jpeg and png.
    Im working in Windows.
    And sorry for my English, its not my native language.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    Lo siento mi español, soy Ingles. Si tu escribe en Ingles, tu puede consegur un poco de ayuda. Este grupo es del 99% Ingles.

  • iandanoneiandanone Member Posts: 5

    @gingagaming said:
    Lo siento mi español, soy Ingles. Si tu escribe en Ingles, tu puede consegur un poco de ayuda. Este grupo es del 99% Ingles.

    Hi! Im having a problem with the sprites (images), well Im a newbie and Im doing a 2d plataform game, but when I put the image on the actor the game is displaying the background when I already erase the background in photoshop, the background doesnt appear but when i try to do a collision the actor collides with the background of the image that doesnt exist. I do the images with photoshop and there are exported in jpeg and png. Im working in Windows. And sorry for my English, its not my native language.

  • MasterCosmoMasterCosmo MichiganMember Posts: 13

    Collision detection is with the actor, not the image, so it's difficult to work around that issue presently.

  • iandanoneiandanone Member Posts: 5

    @MasterCosmo said:
    Collision detection is with the actor, not the image, so it's difficult to work around that issue presently.

    Im trying to do that the actor collides with a ball but the actor is a character and it collides like a circle or a box, and I dont want that I want that the collision does like the shape of my char.

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    Collision in gamesalad doesn't work like that. We are currently limited to a box or a circle. If you want an exact shape, the only work around is to constrain different shapes together all with the collision rule to make the shape you require.

  • iandanoneiandanone Member Posts: 5

    @gingagaming said:
    Collision in gamesalad doesn't work like that. We are currently limited to a box or a circle. If you want an exact shape, the only work around is to constrain different shapes together all with the collision rule to make the shape you require.

    And how do I do that. Can I put various shapes together to form the shape of my character?

  • gingagaminggingagaming FREELANCE GS DEV Member Posts: 1,685

    This should put you in the right direction

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