Tweetsheet not working
I just added tweetsheet to my game. I created an actor and added what you see in the image to the actor, but when I load up the apk on my phone and click the actor on the screen to tweet nothing happens? Can anyone explain what I did wrong to me? I would also like to point out because I don't know if it makes a difference, but I typed game.TopDistance instead of clicking hte dropdown thing and searching for it. Everytime I search for the variable it takes out my text written around game.TopDistance. Thanks.
I might be wrong, but I don't think twitter is supported on Android at this time only iOS.
Can anyone confirm this?
@BBEnk is correct. Tweet sheet is only for iOS and is not supported by android. However there is a work around. See this.
Ok thanks for that. I have one question though. It seems to work, which is great, but I can't add a variable to the message. For example I wrote "I flew""but then I died" In the tweet it shows game.TopDistance as "game.TopDistance" instead of replacing it with the actual value? How would I correct this?
Are you writing this in the field or the expression editer?
I'm writing in the field, because if I write it in the expression editor, it doesn't let me use spaces between my words. so everything is bunched together?
Use Alt and space to make a space in editor
oh ok. Thanks for the tip!
When I write this in the expression field I get an invalid expression error in the address bar of openurl screen. How can I write this so that I can add attributes in as well. For instance I cant do this.
In the tweet sheet behavior just put "I Survived ""miles!"
You dont need to add the url in it.
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I'm talking about for android with this method. I can't figure out how to successfully use expression attributes.
You can't use attributes in the android work around. Only text.
Does "Open URL" work on a game uploaded to GS Arcade?
Because if it's supposed to, it does not for me.
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