Pong game

I m trying to rebuild a pong game as like a test experiment games to see what I need to do with the engine. The problem is I have tried making a rule with collide behavior and collision and can't seem to to get the ball to move in the opposite direction.

Let me explain I want the block actor when in contact with right pong to move the the other way left (180) and when the Left Pong is contact with block I want to move to right (0 positron) but no matter how I seem to set it up I cant get the block actor to listen it either gets stuck with the right actor or moves through it any ideas on what set up I need and weather it rule, attribute. or something else would greatly apprenticed. Plus I have the keys arrows keeps set up for this game as well as a little extra info. Plus weather they need to be put into the left pong actor or right pong actor as well?


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